We are being told every now and then to be happy, that happiness is the state which the human is meant for, this state is what should what the soul seeks. Enlightened people are extorting us to remain in such a state, to live for the moment. The opposite state is sadness or abject misery which nobody in their right minds would want to be in, the fact remains though that one state cannot exist without the other. As a mass of physical bodies on this planet the plethora of emotions running through this mass is tremendous. Emotional beings that we are, the joys and sorrows that we face are most often related to what is outside of us as physical beings. Other emotions which we go eventually lead to the state of happiness or sorrow. What we relate to physically, pushes a trigger of emotion, a rush of feeling and then the reaction to that which we have related to. The brain absorbs all this in a mini-second triggers the emotion. This is at best a clinical way of looking at our feelings.
What comes to the mind when one hears about being happy, is that we must be very unhappy as a people because we are constantly being told to be happy. Perhaps this very phenomenal 'progress' in the last few decades has added to our stresses instead of making us more content. We are told that contentment is not a place to be in, to be content with your lot would seemingly result in decay. I am not so sure... there is a definite difference between dissatisfaction and discontent. One gives rise to the other.One can be satisfied with one's lot and then what?Would one stop at that or would it make one try for another higher goal?... and in trying for the achievement of that get the happiness which I desire once again to be back in the state of satisfaction?
I can be happy just by seeing a flower bloom or an infant's smile or my cat playing with his toys, another can experience the same emotion on achieving a goal, or when one is given some sort of positive acknowledgement. All these examples are feelings we have with objects outside of us. What then, is that which will give us joy or happiness without any outside trigger?
When one is meditating, there is no emotion, there is no attachment to anything physical and then there is almost a feeling of no state. Perhaps that is what we should aim for.... the place where there is neither happiness or sadness but until then we will be absorbed in the things around us and get encompassed in the web of activity which surrounds us...the www.
What comes to the mind when one hears about being happy, is that we must be very unhappy as a people because we are constantly being told to be happy. Perhaps this very phenomenal 'progress' in the last few decades has added to our stresses instead of making us more content. We are told that contentment is not a place to be in, to be content with your lot would seemingly result in decay. I am not so sure... there is a definite difference between dissatisfaction and discontent. One gives rise to the other.One can be satisfied with one's lot and then what?Would one stop at that or would it make one try for another higher goal?... and in trying for the achievement of that get the happiness which I desire once again to be back in the state of satisfaction?
I can be happy just by seeing a flower bloom or an infant's smile or my cat playing with his toys, another can experience the same emotion on achieving a goal, or when one is given some sort of positive acknowledgement. All these examples are feelings we have with objects outside of us. What then, is that which will give us joy or happiness without any outside trigger?
When one is meditating, there is no emotion, there is no attachment to anything physical and then there is almost a feeling of no state. Perhaps that is what we should aim for.... the place where there is neither happiness or sadness but until then we will be absorbed in the things around us and get encompassed in the web of activity which surrounds us...the www.
Very impressive article, well meditation is the only source which make you realize your inner soul.
A quiet explosion of new research indicating that meditation can physically change the brain in astonishing ways
In this busy age of fear and anxiety, the remembrance of God and repetition of His name is the one means of liberation that is accessible to all.
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